martes, 19 de marzo de 2013

Cyberbullying workshop for researchers, teachers and students

On Friday, April 26, 2013 the iINAS program will sponsor a cyberbullying workshop with renowned researcher, Dr. Sameer Hinduja, Associate Professor from the School of Criminology and Criminal Justice, Florida Atlantic University and Co-Director of the  Cyberbullying Research Center.

The workshop will last the whole day and will be divided in two parts:

Part one, Friday, April 26 from 8:00am - 12:00pm: 

Cyberbullying and Adolescents: Who, What, When, Where and Why

Part two, Friday, April 26 from1:00pm - 4:30pm: 

Responding to Cyberbullying for Professors, Researchers and High School Teachers

Both workshops will take place in Amphitheater #1 of the College of Education, University of Puerto Rico, Río Piedras Campus. The workshop is free of charge and is open to everyone.

Dr. Hinduja has sent a series of documents that will be used in the workshop. Below you will find the links to the documents which you can easily download to your computer:


Taller de Cyberbullying para investigadores, maestros y estudiantes

El próximo viernes 26 de abril de 2013, el proyecto iINAS ofrecerá un taller de cyberbullying con el reconocido investigador, el Dr. Sameer Hinduja, Catedrático Asociado de la School of Criminology and Criminal Justice de la Florida Atlantic University y Co-Director del Cyberbullying Research Center. El taller durará el día completo y constará de dos partes:

Primera parte, viernes 26 de abril de 8:00am - 12:00pm: 

Cyberbullying and Adolescents: Who, What, When, Where and Why
Segunda parte, viernes 26 de abril de 1:00pm - 4:30pm: 

Responding to Cyberbullying for Professors, Researchers and High School Teachers

Ambos talleres se ofrecerán en el Anfiteatro #1 de la Facultad de Educación, Universidad de Puerto Rico, Recinto de Río Piedras. El taller es libre de costo y está abierto al público general.

El Dr. Hinduja nos ha enviado una serie de documentos a los que se hará referencia durante los talleres. A continuación encontrarán los enlaces a los documentos que podrán bajar fácilmente a sus computadoras:





Friending Students on Facebook.pdf





